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Update Wicklow County Council meeting Monday 4th November 2024

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

Our monthly meeting was held in the Council Chamber in Wicklow. Lots of important items were raised and I have tried to detail these in this report which I hope you find helpful.

East Coast Railway Infrastructure Protection Projects.

Jane Creegan, Deputy Corporate Services Manager & Communications lead for project attended the Council Chamber along with a number of other representatives to detail the East Coast Railway Infrastructure Protection Projects.

This was a detailed but also very stark presentation.  Not just because of the content, but for me because of the reality of the situation we are facing regarding out cliff walk, our coast and our railway line which are all under real threat.  The presentation focused on the protection of the railway line and in doing so we are also forced to consider the protection of our wildlife, our natural environment and our future plans to create sustainable travel.

Already there is a sense of conflict between all these issues and which one will be deemed more important.  Perhaps there is a need to take a moment and slow things down to really understand the impact of any proposals,  but there is also a need to speed up our response before erosion takes the railway line and lands away into the sea.

As part of the presentation the concept of 5 coastal cell areas known as CCA’s were introduced.  These CCA’s run from Merrion Gates to Wicklow and define the different areas that are being considered.

  • CCA1 - Merrion to Dún Laoghaire

  • CCA2-3 - Dalkey Tunnel to Killiney station and Killiney South

  • CCA5 - Bray Head to Greystones North Beach

  • CCA6.1 - Greystones to Newcastle

  • CCA6.2 - Newcastle to Wicklow Harbour

To date Irish Rail have been actively responding to issues, in particular after every storm, to address the damage and protect the line.  The railway line is being checked weekly to ensure that it is safe.  This project is about planning for the future and working towards United Nations Goal 13, Climate Action Change for the future, working within the planning system and working with the communities to understand their concerns and get their thoughts.

There was a real recognition of the sensitive nature of some of the areas located in these CCA’s.  There was also recognition of the emotion attached to these areas, the Murrough and the significant erosion in Wicklow as well as our loved Cliff Walk from Bray to Greystones.

I spoke at the meeting in particular about the Cliff Walk, the public outcry at its continued closure but also the different views locally about whether it should or should not be closed, if erosion is even an issue and the formation of local groups working proactively to reopen it.  I called on a significant level of engagement with the public, clear information, opportunities for  face to face interaction and the need to make the information as accessible as possible so that everyone has the opportunity to really understand what is being proposed.  A commitment was given to this.

The following timeline was outlined.

  1. Preliminary Option Selection Complete September 2024

  2. Public Consultation 1 Winter 2024 – We are now at this stage!

  3. Preliminary Design Complete April 2025

  4. Public Consultation 2 Summer 2025

  5. Reference Design Complete November 2025

  6. EIAR Complete March 2026

  7. Planning Submission May 2026

  8. Statutory Consultation Commences May 2026

  9. Detailed Design and Tendering Complete June 2028

  10. Construction Contract Award September 2028

The non-statutory public consultation stage no. 1 is now starting.  It commences tomorrow with an online platform but also includes face to face sessions on the 19th, 20th & 21st of November, details of which will be announced tomorrow.

This is the start of the process not the end and an opportunity to look at possible solutions being considered but it very much needs all of us to get involved and influence decisions o that we can protect out coast line for the future.

New Social Homes approved for Arklow

Following an earlier presentation to the Arklow Municipal District members, a proposal was put forward to approve the proposal for 74 new social homes at Tinahask Upper, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

These will consist of 10 x 1 bedroom homes, 45 2 bedroom homes, 17 x 3 bedroom homes and 2 x 4 bedroom homes.

The proposal was warmly welcomed and passed by all members.  Requests were made to ensure that communication with local people is given special attention and that a person is appointed to lead on this as the development of this site may be challenging during the construction period.


Adoption of the Draft Heritage Plan

Deirdre Burns, Heritage Officer, Wicklow County Council presented to the Chamber on the Draft County Wicklow Heritage Plan 2025-2029.

This is the fourth Heritage Plan for county Wicklow and outlines a five year strategy for how we will the identify, protect and manage our heritage, nurture awareness, foster appreciation and facilitate people enjoying it in a sustainable way.

The Plan is informed by relevant national and local policy and the views of relevant agencies, organisations and the local community. It sets out the vision and goals for the management and protection of heritage in the county and provides a framework for how we will achieve our vision by working in a collaborative way.

Implementation of the plan will be overseen by Wicklow Heritage Forum.  I sat on this Forum from May 2019 to June 20204 and can confirm that it is a vibrant, engaged and committed forum. 

The Heritage Team, although small is extremely committed and I am confident that they will work in partnership with the community to see this plan come to life. The Heritage Plan was adopted and supported by all.


Park and Ride Facility at Ashford.

A briefing in advance of public consultation on the proposed Bus Park and Ride Facility at Ashford adjacent to M11 Junction 16 was presented to the Chamber.  The proposal aims to provide 220 spaces when completed.

Public Consultation for Part 8 is live from 6th November until 4th December 2024.  CCTV and lighting will be provided on site as part of the development.

Submissions permitted up until noon on 10th January 2025.  It is anticipated that there will be a to return for Council for approval at February Council Meeting

Chief Executives (CE) monthly report on the activities of the Council in October.

  • Bray Cliff Walk

The CE raised the issue of Bray Head and the Cliff Walk.  She advised that she had convened a meeting of the OPW, Irish Rail and others as a collective group to look at Bray Head as a whole and look at the current challenges as the issues that the Council face with this matter is greater than just the Local Authority.  The CE wrote to Minister O’Brien to look for funding to fund a route analysis survey of the whole of Bray Head and the wider issues.  The CE received confirmation from Minister O’Brien to state that they would be positive to such an issue.  The CE also stated that a letter has been received from An Taoiseach stating that he would call for a task force on the matter. 

I noted that a committee has already been established with representatives from Bray and Greystones to take a coordinated approach to the issue of the Cliff Walk and that this group has already met. I also noted that the biggest challenge with the Cliff Walk is the lack of information.  The statements by some that noting is being done and how this is feeding into misinformation in the community.  I noted on record that I very much welcome the CE’s update and asked that more regular updates be provided so that the community and groups such as ‘Friends of the Cliff Walk - Open Our Cliff Walk’ can be included in finding a solution.

Further clarity was sought from other members on the safety of the Cliff Walk and a need to have this clarified as people are passing barriers at present and it is perceived that there is no real danger. The CE conformed that the Cliff Walk is closed because it is not safe due to rock falls and slippage. The CE will issue a formal note to be circulated to the community. I will share this once received.

  • Bray Fire Station

Bray Fire Station is the first Fire station in Country to be decarbonised and was welcomed in the chamber.

  • Large Scale Sports Capital Funding

It was noted the disappointment that no large scale funding for sports capital had been successful.  Four submissions were made and none were successful in the County.  While ell wishes were noted for other Counties who were successful, the need is so great in this County the lack of success is bitterly disappointing.  No formal feedback has been received to date.

  • Community Gardens

An update was sought on a Motion passed during the last term which sought for additional community gardens to be created. A report has been drafted and will be issued once reviewed. This reported included expression of interest from a number of community groups and on proposed locations.

  • Kilmacanogue Village

The issue of parking, illegal and inconsiderate parking was raised. Some bollards have been put in place ad the matter raised with the Garda but further action is sought.

  • Public Lighting

Public lighting was raised by many in the Chamber as a real issue, with nights getting darker, right across the County there is a back log of lights out.  Concern was raised as to how lights are being prioritised and how to seek a light to be given priority.

  • SHD (Strategic Housing Developments)

Concern was raised that a number of SHD's which are large housing developments are tied up with An Bord Pleanala and as such are not progressing. The Council are unable to influence the planning process on this matter and are awaiting a result from ABP as well as the applicants.

Two motions were also heard. The first relates to a licencing issue which appears to be in place across the whole County but there were queries if this is applied in Bray. This matter will be brought before the December meeting to be approved so that any lack of clarity is addressed and the matter can be dealt with in the same way across the County.

The second motion related to the assessment of Carers allowance and half Carers allowance as an income for the assessment of council rents. A detailed response was given by the Council. I have requested a full copy of this response so that I can provide a full update. I will issue the response as soon as it has been received. Its a very complex matter and in my view the whole scheme needs a review as it one payment is removed from being assessed, there would still be others that need to be addressed. The Council are currently carrying out a review and a full report is expected in January.

As always this report represents my views and is not a detailed record on all matters discussed. I hope that it gives some insight insight into what has been discussed today. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or you would like more information.





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