I promised in 2019 when I was first elected and again in June 2024 to provide updates on meetings, to be open and to try and support our communities in understanding exactly what goes on within the walls of Council Chambers in Bray and in Wicklow. This report is very much my view and my opinion. It is not a representation of my party or the Council. It is my view and what I observed in the Chamber, it is not intended as a factual record of every item discussed at the meeting.

Today we gathered in the Council Chamber to consider the budget for the coming year.
I hoped that the members would come to the chamber, respect the process, have read the documentation in advance and put their time and effort into the process.
I hoped that even though we were in the middle of an election, Councillors would remember their current role and focus on it rather than seek a last opportunity to grab a headline before Friday.
Mansplaining is the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing. The use of ‘mansplaining’ in the chamber by a very small number of individuals, who are still getting use to having women in the chamber, is quite shocking. Generally, I just let is pass, but there comes a time where you need to call it out. Today I called it out.
The condescending explanation of our roles, what we need to consider and what we should or should not be accepting is sickening.
New Councillors in the chamber are accountants, business owners, Doctors and community activists with a lifetime of experience. The officials have made themselves fully available for queries and comments and as adults those of us who needed clarity sought this in advance of today. The documentation was sent out in advance, although some members today were up in arms about the fact that it wasn’t in a printed form and were outraged at this inconvenience. That despite our collective commitment to reducing waste and making every effort to protect our environment.
The vast majority of Councillors took significant time to consider the budget today. They spoke to colleagues and officials in advance to get clarity on areas that they didn’t understand. They took the time to raise important questions in the Chamber with officials and seek clarity.
The Budget process is not easy. It is complex and a huge proportion of the budget relates to wages and services that must be provided, leaving very little room for consideration or change. The budget that Wicklow County Council has is not sufficient to meet the demands of the County. The only opportunities the officials and Councillors have to generate additional income is through the LPT (Local Property Tax), increasing commercial rates for businesses or accessing grants which generally require some element of match funding.
The biggest items raised were more funding for footpath repairs, dissatisfaction with public lights issues, requests for additional funding for maintenance of council homes, Climate Action and our responses, more funding for the Mermaid Arts Centre, more funding for community, more funding for road repairs, more funding for addressing erosion, among many other items.
It was clear that funding was being sought for all areas and budget lines. Creating a balanced budget and a budget that gives equal recognition to all areas is the responsibility of the Councillors.
The 2025 Budget presented provided for expenditure of €168.2m. This is an increase of €8.1m (or 5%) on last year’s budget. This increase is mainly as a result of increased funded leasing costs under Housing Payment & Availability schemes, extra provision for housing repairs and preletting works, additional payroll costs due to national pay increases and new staff appointments, as well as increases in key policy driven services such as climate action, energy conservation works and town regeneration.
Having given it a lot of consideration in advance and listening carefully to the contributions at todays meeting I was happy to support the budget.

I was also happy to second a proposal made by Cllr. Peter Stapleton, to have a full review carried out on footpaths throughout the County to identify which footpaths are in need of full replacement and which require repairs. Currently Development levies which are collected by new homes and developments can only be used for new paths. If a path requires so much repair that it needs to be replaced, then consideration should be given to using Development Levies for this purpose. Cllr. Stapleton's suggestion is in my view worthwhile and addresses a real challenge in the County and an area of real concern raised by communities. The Chief Executive confirmed that a review of how Development Levies is planned to be undertaken and as such the proposal made by Cllr. Stapleton, seconded by myself and agreed by all members can form part of this review.
The two other items for decision today were the agreement not to increase commercial rates on business, which I was very happy to support.
And finally, a proposal to reduce the discount that is given to landlords who have vacant premises. The discount currently given is 60%, it was proposed to reduce this to 20%. There were mixed views to this. In some areas it was highlighted that individuals are seeking to rent premises but because rents being sought be landlords are so high they can’t meet them and because the landlord is not having to pay significant rates, they are leaving the premises empty until someone who can pay more comes along. Others highlighted landlords in areas who are actively seeking tenants for their commercial buildings and are offering reasonable rates but there is a lack of potential tenants. The Council outlined the opportunities that have been taken by some premises owners in areas that are not being highly sought, and how these owners have sought a ‘change of use’ of the building and have converted these into much needed homes.
In Bray the issue of empty retail spaces has been a problem and I am aware of many seeking to rent spaces but being unable to meet the rents being sought. Bray Tidy Towns have done huge work supporting the town and trying to improve the look of some of the empty units. On this basis and to support not only the budget but to support entrepreneurs in the area creating new employment and offerings and to support the reduction in empty buildings I was happy to support this proposal.
It was a challenging meeting but we eventually got decision made.
KEY DECISIONS at today’s Budget 2025 meeting
No increase on Commercial Rates – 24 in favour, 8 not present.
Reduction in discount given to landlords on Commercial Rates on vacant retail units from 60% reduction to a 20% reduction approved – 24 in favour, 8 not present.
2025 Budget approved - – 24 in favour, 8 not present.
My thanks to all the members who contributed in a professional manner and to the officials for the support in advance and at the meeting.
The final meeting for 2024 will take place in Wicklow County Council Chamber on Monday 2nd of December 2024. In advance of this meeting, we will have an opportunity to recognise the prior service of those who did not run or were unsuccessful in June’s election before our meeting. I will issue the agenda on my social platforms in advance and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.