I was elected to Wicklow County Council in May 2019 to represent the people of Bray Municipal District which covers the areas of Bray, Kilmacanogue and Enniskerry. It is an absolute privilege to be given this opportunity and I am committed to working hard for our communities.
I have lived in Bray my whole life and am currently live with my husband, three children and my parents.
I went to primary school in St. Fergal’s NS and St. Patricks NS in Bray and completed Secondary School in Loreto Bray.
A late starter to third level education, after having my beautiful daughter I began to look at options for studying part time and have found it hard to stop! To date I have completed an Honours Degree in Social Policy, Diploma in Local Government Studies, as well as courses in areas such as Addiction Studies, Mediation, Diversity & Equality, and Leadership & Management. I have also completed my UK Level 4 Qualification in Housing with the Chartered Institute of Housing. A strong believer in ongoing education, my journey with ongoing study continues.

My career has been diverse too. I currently work in Housing, specifically Age Friendly Social Housing. I’ve work in three local authorities to date in Wicklow, South Dublin, and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council in many areas such as housing, community, cemeteries, events, accessibility, equality, and disability. This experience has allowed me to better understand the working of local government at a community level and how best to support individuals to access services they need. I also worked for seven years in the disability sector, through this I developed a deep understanding of the service available, challenges to individuals and their families accessing services and the barriers that exist.
I have a passion for my community and have always played an active role. Having in my earlier years volunteered as a Leader with the Girl Guides in Ballywaltrim and Vevay Road branches for many years, I moved to Scouts when my son came of age and volunteered as a Scout Leader for ten years with 5th Wicklow Bray Sea Scouts. I previously held the role for three years as Chairperson of the East Coast Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force which does fantastic work to support individuals and families dealing with addiction. I am currently Chairperson of an amazing local charity called Ark Housing Association and actively involved in working on Bray becoming the next Autism Friendly Town.
I continue to feel both humbled and honoured to have been given this opportunity to represent the communities of Bray, Kilmacanogue & Enniskerry and will ensure that I work hard on your behalf.
If I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to get in touch.